Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson

Song: My Life Would Suck Without You
Artist: Kelly Clarkson
Album: All I Ever Wanted

I think this is a great song! It's pretty decent, but coming from the legendary Kelly Clarkson, I definitely think she could have done better. The first few lyrics don't rhyme very well, but I think she was hoping on the melody carrying that little fact through. It didn't work very well for me, but nonetheless, a good song to listen to!

And is it me, or did Kelly get fatter or something?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Mandy - The Spinto Band

Song Name: Oh Mandy
Artist: The Spinto Band
Album: Moonwink

WOOT! First post in 2 days! :D
Also, I finally did one of my most favourite indie bands ever!
The Spinto Band is a collection of college friends in Boston who found old names of record songs that were hiding in the attic of their grandparent's house. All of their songs and even the band name derives from those old record songs. The Spinto Band has that mandolin playing, which gives it a lively tone. The music video is really cool. The animation was extensive in order to make the paper animations, burning buildings, and "winter wonderland". The whole basis of the music video is psychological, and shows the theme of an everlasting home. Every year, Mandy is built up, and then is burned down. During the winter it is recreated, and thaws. But when spring comes back, they recolonize, and revitalizes Mandy. It's also a very sweet song. :)

wow. that's one of the longest summaries i've ever given o.O
anyways, really really cool song!

Mood Rings - Relient K

Song Name: Mood Rings
Artist: Relient K
Album: Two Lefts Don't Make a Right... But Three Do

Ahh... Relient K. Pop turned Christian turned slightly mainstream. I hate their newest songs, but anything by them before 2008 is great. Mood Rings was released 2003. Apparently this song talks about the artists' troubles with girls with mood swings, hence the lines "Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings. So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off, cause we'll know just what they're thinking." And while not in the chorus, the singer explains his reasoning for his ingenious plan. Relient K songs are usually very deep, with maybe the slight exception of this one and a handful of others. In fact, I like to think that their album MMHMM defines my life. Maybe I'll do another Relient K songs soon. They do take up about almost 10% of my music library.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I wanted to do "This Love" + Justin Timberlake

HEY! I wanted to do "This Love" by Maroon 5! ARGHHH! Which just comes to say, this is a really weird cycle: I did a song Jeffrey wanted to do, Jeffrey did a song Ethan wanted to do, and Ethan did a song I wanted to do. Which is odd, if you're asking me. It must be... what goes around comes around, Christina! That brings us to the next song I'm blogging about...

Song: What Goes Around Comes Around
Artist: Justin Timberlake
Album: Futuresex / Lovesounds

This is one of Justin's less "poppity" from his album Futuresex / Lovesounds (which came out quite a while ago, by the way.) It's definitely different from his smash hit "Sexyback", but it has the same special JT addictiveness! (If that makes any sense at all.) The beginning has an unique guitar part; it catches your attention immediately. The moral of the story? What goes around comes around, my friends. Which means, if you break someone's heart, yours shall be broken too.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Milk Crisis - The Go! Team

Song Name: Milk Crisis
Artist: The Go! Team
Album: Proof of Youth

This songs has that sense of childhood fun that everyone likes. The song is catchy, and has really good rhythm to it. It's very kiddish, and is a great "get-and-go" song. The music video does seem a bit old, but it gets better to the end. The pixels in the video are hypnotizing to the eyes. o.o During the second verse they go off singing Japanese, and eventually into some sort of hip-hop lyrics and what-not. The Go! Team is an admiring indie rock band, and has been on the UK charts for quite a while in 2007.

Come on. Admit it. Dancing apples, teddy bears, trees and flowers are pretty awesome.

This Love - Maroon 5

How long has it been since this came out? Nearly five years? I'd be almost surprised if you didn't know it. I first heard this in my Chinese school with this guy two years older than me continually singing the chorus. Uh... well let's just say he wasn't the best singer ever, but despite that, that catchy chorus still got stuck in my head. I had an idea it was called "This Love" and heard it several times on the radio before, but uhh... never really heard it or knew who it was by until quite recently. The band goes together quite well, especially fitting of their style: pop rock. The video involves the band playing in front of an orange backdrop with cherry blossoms, interesting video effects, and the main singer and his girlfriend-at-the-time touching each other inappropriately.

Warning: video consists of slight nudity. Nothing that would get it banned from Youtube though.

Several covers of this song have been made, and it was even featured in Guitar Hero: On Tour, the Guitar Hero game for the Nintendo DS.

Korean boy band Big Bang's G-Dragon covered this song using its trademark beat in the background, despite rapping/singing in Korean (even in the English version, the lyrics are different.) Several times during both version, the words "this love" is said, and the song is as a matter of fact called "This Love."

Recently, Natasha Bedingfield also did a cover for the Yahoo Pepsi Smash.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dance Like There's No Tomorrow - Paula Abdul

Song: Dance Like There's No Tomorrow
Artist: Paula Abdul
Album: Abdulmatic

Lyrics are fun, the beat is nice. One problem. One big problem : Her voice.
The voice is the same in each place; not much of a different note with each word. It's rather flat and it sounds like she got fed several pounds of special effects too. Although Paula is a famous judge for the show American Idol, that's probably the only reason this song is well - known. If she tried out for American Idol herself, she would probably not have made through the third, or maybe even second round. Other than that, it's a pretty good song, but it's not one you will find on the iPods often.