Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dead and Gone - T.I. ft. Justin Timberlake

Song Name: Dead and Gone
Artist: T.I. and Justin Timberlake
Album: Paper Trail

Ahh... no music posts for two days... I should really start putting this higher on my priorities list. Anyways, I normally don't like music like this, but the chorus is awesome. And even the rap (kind of). It's hard to explain (plus I don't know how to judge this kind of music), so here's the video: you can see for yourself.

P.S. It was number two on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for a while. :O

P.P.S. Thanks for showing me this song, Isabel.

Karma - NLT

Song: Karma
Artist: NLT
Album: Not Like Them

First off, I would like to thank Vickie (Victoria) for showing me this song! NLT is a very little known group, but they have a knack for catchy and pop - y ish music. It sounds like Colby O' Donis and Chris Brown mixed together, except slower and... more country - ish? Not country, but it sounds great nonetheless. Yet another song about love, but it's AWESOME! Worth listening to, especially since this group is little known. It's a girl song, by the way.

Moscow State Circus - Eugene McGuinness

Song Name: Moscow State Circus
Artist: Eugene McGuinness
Album: Eugene McGuinness (of the same name)

Moscow State Circus is a really infectious song, which is quick-beated and comes with great unpredictability. The lyrics are completely random (including the random shout of the f-word), but it seems to fit the song. The music video, though obscure, is very wonderful. Dancing people in fencing costumes always makes a video wonderful. Eugene McGuinness and his little band of indie rockers have created a single that delights the senses, and feels like your going into a "rabbit hole". :D

Friday, February 27, 2009


Ahhh... Sorry for the lack of a post today...
I got home at 3:30, got sidetracked by manga until 4:30, and was out until Chinese school, after which my dad's addiction to Yogurtland took us there. All that aside, I didn't get home until 10:00. Obviously, I had to shower and everything else, along with a couple more distractions, so I am not able to post a music-related post today.
Without Chinese school, life would be so much easier: I get 7-9 off. But that is not to be. My parents would probably let me quit all my other extracurricular activities (with the exception of tennis, which my dad claims is "good for me"), but make me keep Chinese. I really don't see the use. I can speak it okay, and who needs to know how to write it?
Anyways, It's Saturday now, and I really shouldn't be staying up much longer, lest my mom come here and lecture me about growing taller. Whatever.

P.S. Does anyone read these rants anyways? Or does anyone even read the blog? Do leave a comment or something, or at least check the "Like" or "Dislike" boxes under the musical posts, if only to let us know that we should continue this experiment of a blog.

Ultimate Showdown Complaint of Doom

First rant :D

More of a complaint, and what not.
Just want to clarify.. but I really really really really really really really relaly really really really wanted to do Ultimate Showdown :(
Technically it counts as indie rock.. but oh well.
Lemon Demon is one of my favourite bands..

Short rant anyways.
But no one cares.
Just felt that I wanted to do the song first.

P.S. I'm not mad at you, Christina. Just saying. :D

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Lemon Demon

Song: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Artist: Lemon Demon
Album: Dinosaurchestra

HAHAHA! If you don't know this song, you've been living under a rock for your whole life. Of course, there's not much to say about this song... except if you like Godzilla, Batman, Abraham Lincoln, etc. Speaking of which, it has a catchy intro, halarious lyrics. Yes, I have a weird taste in songs. But hey, who doesn't like weird internet songs? By the way, for all you Asains out there, Jackie Chan's in it too! :D
This is the Ultimate Showdown... of Ultimate Destiny!
Definitely worth watching if you're really bored.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm On A Boat - The Lonely Island

Song: I'm On A Boat
Artist: The Lonely Island
Album: Supabad

The Lonely Island is famous for it's odd, quirky, weird, kinky songs (Need an example of kinky? Just search up "Jizz In My Pants" on YouTube.)
This song, well, there's not much to explain - it's on a boat. Bish? The Lonely Island goes on rapping about a motherf--king boat. What else is there to say? Well, I like the song. The lyrics are hilarious, though.
I would also like to congratulate T-Pain on his uber rapping skills on boats.

I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, take a good hard look at my motherf---ing boat!

PS. I also notice that I do songs with a little a lot of swearing. I'll remember to get cleaner songs next time.

Creeper - Islands

Song Name: Creeper
Artist: Islands
Album: Arm's Way

This is one of Islands' more darker songs. Most are cheerful, such as Rough Gem, but this one is just plain scary. Islands is a Canadian indie band who is barely known in the U.S. The music video suggests something deep and highly psychological, which goes along with the name of the song. It goes retro and comes along with the old-school animation of the early 90's. It is quite eerie, but expresses deep resemblence to underground indie rock.

You can scare your friends with this song. Give it to them, and they'll think you're a stalker. :D

She Says - Howie Day

Song Name: She Says
Artist: Howie Day
Album: Stop All the World Now

Despite being eclipsed by the more popular single "Collide", "She Says" is an amazing song in the under-appreciated album "Stop all the World Now (which did not become popular until approximately a year after its October 2003 release, despite being rated a measly two out of five stars by Rolling Stones). Like "Collide", "She Says" has a sweet, yet slightly sad sound to it, which is well augmented by Howie Day's voice. Having first heard this song in a Hollister at the Great Mall, I took note of it, and am thankful I did: though slow at times, "She Says" is a great song.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf

Song Name: Let It Rock
Artist: Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne
Album: In the City

This song? It's addicting, it's catchy, and it's on the top songs of the year. Its Genre is rock, though, and that's something you see often on the top. I really like the beginning, it's kind of cold and downbeat. Nonetheless, this is one song that's worth your time to listen to. A perfect song for all those rockers out there (:
Only problem is Lil Wayne's part. It sounds like he's dying. He sounds like the sound a poodle makes before it drowns. At least find a better rapper like Kanye West. He ruins the song.

Float On - Modest Mouse

Song Name: Float On
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: Good News for People Who Love Bad News

Even the greatest indie rockers remain unknown to the mainstream world. Meet Modest Mouse, one of the most famous indie rock bands in the U.S. Their single, "Float On", is an old hit that is greatly admired. The lyrics are cheerful, and Isaac Brock's voice clearly shows some sympathy. The music video is quite colorful, and is styled like pop-up books. It has been played in several places, such as Rock Band 2, and in the new movie "Hit and Run".


Ahh... I like Wednesdays. Sleep later the day before, wake up later on the day, and school still lasts only till three o' clock. A much needed reprieve in the middle of a long week indeed. Of course, I'm not suggesting that we have more late start days, otherwise people will stop appreciating them. But the teachers do typically tend to assign quite a bit more homework on Wednesdays than any other day (I have a project due today), so we have to sleep later on Tuesday, but the morning is nice. Some spend it chatting with their friends, some spend it doing homework they may or may not have had to have finished the day before, and some spend it sleeping until the last second, then waking up and rushing to school, bolting down their breakfast (which is also their normal schedule on other weekdays). And then there's people like me, who do nothing productive but surf the web and/or post on their blog about the Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alexithymia - Anberlin

Song Name: Alexithymia
Artist: Anberlin
Album: Cities

Despite having been listed with the predominately Christian rock label Tooth & Nail Records and having several songs with lyrics pertaining to their faith, alternative rock band Anberlin have specifically stated that they are not a Christian rock band. Alexithymia literally means "without words for emotions" in Greek. The word is used to describe a state where one cannot describe or feel emotions. The song relays this by having a depressing feeling, but it is a nice song, with a nice chorus, and nice background music. However, the song does sound a tad repetitive and has what I believe to be a quite annoying guitar solo near the end.

P.S. Thanks to Alex Tsai for showing me this song.

Crank It Up! - Hadouken!

Song Name: Crank It Up!
Artist: Hadouken!
Album: Music for an Accelerated Future

Hadouken! has that hyped-up taste for music. They bring in the combination of techno music and British-crazed indie rock. The quick beats and the snappy rhymes is perfect for any dance party of sorts. It is very popular to Brits. Just makes them want to toss their tea and dance to the music! It's not shown very often in popular media, though. You'll love it if you're into Brit techno-rap. :)

Evil Editor's Note: Jeffrey here forgot to point out the many pop culture references in this song. They refer to iTunes, MSN, as well as CD ripping, mp3 converting, and download sites on the internet.

F**k You - Lily Allens

Song Name: F**k You
Artist: Lily Allen
Album: It's Not Me, It's You

I love Lily Allens. She has a very sweet voice. Kind of sounds like Taylor Swift and Britney Spears' crazy love child that grew up in Britain. With an accent. Sounds like a little angel to most ears, especially in "F**k You".
But if you listen to it, you're in for a big surprise.
Lily Allens has very scary lyrics.
It goes like... "F--- you, f--- you very very much." Ahahaha. An angel singing swear words. Interesting. Lil Wayne and Taylor Swift and Britney Spears all together.
Listen to her songs. They have a very pretty melody... if you don't mind the swear words, that is.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Too much homework. T_T

Yea... If you have any perception skills, you would have perceived that (1.) I'm bored with homework right now and (2.) I should be doing said homework as I type this. Well maybe that's true. I need a break now. Oh well. I got a test tomorrow, a quiz and a project due on Wednesday, at least two test on Thursday (maybe three, plus fitness testing), and part two of one of the tests on Friday, not to mention daily math homework. Oh well. I should try to finish my project today...

Boo Boo Goo Goo - The Caesars

Song Name: Boo Boo Goo Goo
Artist: Caesars
Album: Strawberry Weed

Released 2008, Boo Boo Goo Goo sounds like more "old school" than other songs of its time. With its catchy tune and even more addicting chorus, Boo Boo Goo Goo is now the song in the trailer for Miss March, a soon-to-be-released movie (whose trailer is rated R, so I won't embed it here.)

P.S. Grace says this song makes me high.

Blue String Music

And thus starts Blue String, a group of friends with nothing better to do than blog about their musical tastes. We almost have all the bases covered. Hip-hop (credits to Christina), Pop-punk (me), and even Indie Rock (you're welcome, Jeff.) Anyways, here we'll talk about our differing musical tastes, or just rant about what's going on in our lives.

P.S. Jeff and Christina, do you mind trying to average one post (music related) per day on here? And a few rants a week should do the trick too.